Surah Al-Israa Verse 64
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وَاسْتَفْزِزْ مَنِ اسْتَطَعْتَ مِنْهُم بِصَوْتِكَ وَأَجْلِبْ عَلَيْهِم بِخَيْلِكَ وَرَجِلِكَ وَشَارِكْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَوْلَادِ وَعِدْهُمْ ۚ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِلَّا غُرُورًا
Wastafziz manis tat'ta minhum bisawtika wa ajlib 'alaihim bikhailika wa rajilika wa shaarik hum fil amwaali wal awlaadi wa 'idhum; wa maa ya'iduhumush Shaitaanu illaa ghurooraa
Translation / The Meaning
And incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them." But Satan does not promise them except delusion.
Next (Al-Israa:65)