Surah As-Sajda Verse 24

Table of Content:
  1. Arabic
  2. Latin / Transliteration
  3. Translation / The Meaning

وَجَعَلْنَا مِنْهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا لَمَّا صَبَرُوا ۖ وَكَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا يُوقِنُونَ

Wa ja'alnaa minhum a'immatany yahdoona bi amrinaa lammaa sabaroo wa kaanoo bi aayaatinaa yooqinoon

Translation / The Meaning

And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs.

Next (As-Sajda:25)