Surah At-Tawba Verse 77
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فَأَعْقَبَهُمْ نِفَاقًا فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يَلْقَوْنَهُ بِمَا أَخْلَفُوا اللَّهَ مَا وَعَدُوهُ وَبِمَا كَانُوا يَكْذِبُونَ
Fa a'qabahum nifaaqan fee quloobihim ilaa Yawmi yalqaw nahoo bimaaa akhlaful laaha maa wa'adoohu wa bimaa kaanoo yakhziboon
Translation / The Meaning
So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they will meet Him - because they failed Allah in what they promised Him and because they [habitually] used to lie.
Next (At-Tawba:78)