Tafseer of Surah An-Nisa Verse 47-50: Law of Shirk

Asbabun Nuzul

Ibn Ishaq narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam had spoken with the leaders of the Jewish scholars, among them Abdullah bin Shuriya and Ka’ab bin Asad.

The Messenger of Allah -peace, and prayer of Allah be upon him- said: “O Jews, fear Allah and convert to Islam, for the sake of Allah you really know that what I have brought is true” They replied: “We do not know that, O Muhammad, they reject what they have. know his knowledge and continue in disbelief. So Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala revealed this verse. (tafseer Al-Munir Lizzuhaili: 5: 102)

The Essence of tafseer

Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala ordered the People of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures to have faith in the Al-Quran that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam as the corrector of the previous heavenly books.

Then Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala threatened, if they did not do that, Allah would change their faces and then be turned back as an insult or destroyed like those who committed immorality on Saturday (Ashabus sabt) or were cursed to become monkeys and pigs.

And truly the case of Allah is sure to come true, when He has determined that nothing can hinder and distract Him, and Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will not forgive a person who dies in a polytheistic state and has not repented while living in the world, but if he wants to repent before his death, Allah will forgive him, as confirmed by Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala: “Say to those who disbelieve, “if they stop (from disbelief), surely Allah will forgive their past sins ..”. (Surah Al Anfal: 38)

Allah calls the idolaters as muftari or liars because they dare to say falsely about the oneness of Allah and say that Allah has allies among creatures, has friends and even children. They were clearly lying.

There are two kinds of shirk, namely big shirk, and small shirk. Great shirk causes the perpetrator to leave the religion of Islam, and remain forever in hell if he does not repent from him.

As for minor shirk, it does not exclude the perpetrators from the Islamic dienul, it only reduces the value of tawheed and can lead to big shirk if it is not immediately addressed. (tafseer Al-Munir Lizzuhaili: 5: 103, Book of Tauhid Shaykh Shalih Fauzan and Book of Tauhid Shaykh Abdul Wahab At Tamimi)


From Abu Hurairah ra said: Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: “Allah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala said:’ I is an ally that does not need an ally, whoever does a practice by associating Me with other than Me, I leave him and his allies’. " (HR Muslim no 5300) Charity Guide

Examples of forms of shirk in the modern era

  1. Asking other than Allah besides asking Him
  2. Believes that prophets and saints know unseen things
  3. Equalizing love for creatures with love for Allah
  4. Obeying creatures in terms of legalizing what is forbidden by Allah and what is forbidden by Allah.
  5. Believing that there are creatures that have died or unseen creatures who can control and bring madharat.
  6. Making laws that contradict the Islamic law of the

Khazanah. Knowledge

A glance about tawhid and its kinds

monotheism means enforcing Allah alone in worshiping and not associating partners with Him. This is the teaching of all apostles and the subject of all teachings. If this principle is not there, the deeds become useless and fall because they are invalid without the basis of tauhid. Ulama divides monotheism into three types, namely: Tauhid Rububiyah, Tauhid Uluhiyah, and Tauhid Asma ‘wa Shifat.

  1. Rububiyah monotheism is: acknowledging that there is no ruler of all nature except Allah who creates and provides rizki. This monotheism was also promised by the polytheists in the past, but their statement did not make them convert to Islam and free them from hellfire because they did not realize Tauhid Uluhiyah, they even committed shirk by turning their worship to other than Allah.
  2. Tauhid Uluhiyah is also called tauhid Worship, which is to affirm Allah in all the acts of worship that are commanded such as tawakal, khusyu ‘, fear, asking for help, slaughtering, vows, and other worship that Allah commands.
  3. Asma ‘wa Shifat monotheism is to believe that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala has a substance that is not similar to his creature and has properties that are not similar to his creatures. And the names of Allah clearly state His absolutely perfect attributes. As confirmed by Allah through His word: “There is nothing like it, and He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.” (Surah As-Shura: 11) (The Book of Monotheism by Salih Fauzan juz 1)

Prayer ma’tsur

Prayer to avoid shirk

اللهم إني أعوذ بك أن أشرك بك وأنا.>

“O Allah! Indeed, I seek refuge in You, so as not to associate with You, while I know and ask forgiveness for what I do not know. " (HR Ahmad no 4/403)

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